San Diego, California, USA

How to enrich your pharmacy with health tests?

Health is one of the most important issues in today’s society, where we are looking for a balance that allows us to have a long and healthy life. In this sense, pharmacies have become a place where we can find solutions to many diseases or ailments. But did you know that in your pharmacy you can also find health tests that can help you prevent and detect problems before they become more serious? In this article we introduce you to tests you can apply in your pharmacy that will help you learn more about your health and detect problems early.
Antioxidant scan:
The antioxidant scan is a test that measures the level of antioxidants in our body. Antioxidants are molecules that protect our cells from the damage that can be caused by oxidative stress, which occurs when our body produces free radicals in excess due to pollution, smoking, poor diet, etc. When our body does not have enough antioxidants, cell damage can occur and this can lead to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, among others.
The antioxidant scanner measures the level of antioxidants in our body in a non-invasive way, by means of a probe that is placed in the palm of the hand. This test lets you know if your body has the right level of antioxidants or if you need to take measures in your diet or lifestyle to increase your antioxidant levels.
Food intolerance testing:
Food intolerances are adverse reactions to the consumption of certain foods. Most of the time these are mild reactions, but in some cases intolerances can be severe and pose a health risk. Food intolerance tests can be performed at the pharmacy, by means of a blood or saliva sample, and allow us to detect whether our body reacts adversely to a particular food. In this way, we can avoid eating foods that our body does not tolerate and avoid unpleasant or potentially dangerous reactions.
Blood glucose testing:
Blood glucose tests are a way of measuring the amount of glucose in the body. This type of test is very useful for detecting diabetic problems, and can be performed at the pharmacy by a small finger prick. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people around the world, and can have serious consequences if not detected in time. Blood glucose testing can help us detect diabetes early, allowing us to take proper control and treatment.
Pregnancy tests:
Pregnancy tests are perhaps the most common tests performed at the pharmacy. These tests allow women to detect whether or not they are pregnant. Most tests detect the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that is produced in a woman’s body during pregnancy. Pregnancy tests can be a great help for women who are looking to have a child, but they can also be useful for women who want to make sure they are not pregnant.

How do you enrich your pharmacy with testing?

Automation in the pharmaceutical sector has been a necessity measured by large companies around the world in order to cope with the growth and needs of an increasingly globalized industry. Until a few years ago, a pharmacy was a simple shelf of medicines, but nowadays, pharmacies must have the latest technological advances to offer a quality service to their customers.
In this sense, different devices have been incorporated to improve their health and wellness offer, one of the most outstanding being the antioxidant scanner. In this blog, we will take a look at some of the reasons why it can be beneficial to incorporate this type of technology in pharmacies and how it can improve the user experience.
1. Improve the user experience
Consumers are becoming increasingly informed, covering a wide correspondence of smartphones and tablets at their disposal. These devices allow them to research and compare all types of products quickly and easily. By offering new services such as antioxidant scanning, pharmacies can provide an exceptional user experience, which creates a calm and pleasant environment, ultimately improving their customer retention rate.
2. Increases brand value
When a pharmacy decides to invest in modern technology, its brand value improves. In other words, the image that consumers have of the company is reinforced, making it easier to build customer loyalty. In addition, by demonstrating that the pharmacy is at the forefront of technologies to improve health, customers associate this mentality with higher quality products.
3. Expand sales options
Selling complementary products has become a must-have resource for the retail sector. With the antioxidant scanner, pharmacies can offer supplements and food products tailored to the individual needs of each of their customers, resulting in higher sales and increased revenue.
4. Enables personalized details to be offered
Pharmacies can leverage the data collected during testing to provide customers with a wide range of information about their health status. This can help customers increase their knowledge about their bodies, making them more informed about the supplements and foods they need to maintain optimal health.
5. Adapt to the demands of the modern customer
The healthcare industry has changed-consumers are no longer simply looking for a treatment for their illness. Modern consumers are looking for holistic treatments that help them maintain their state of balance rather than simply treating symptoms. Pharmacies that have the ability to offer services such as antioxidant scanning provide customers with a holistic solution that values the individual as a whole human being, enhancing their services and being a brand that cares about health as a whole.
The incorporation of technologies such as the antioxidant scanner in pharmacies has great potential to improve the quality of services in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition to providing an exceptional user experience, this technology comes with increased revenue for the pharmacy.
It is important for pharmacy owners to update to the new needs of the modern consumer and adapt to the demands of the market in order to maximize the potential of their business.
At Functional Wellness Network, we help the healthcare industry, healthcare professionals get key point solutions to improve their services and help their patients achieve better outcomes.
If you would like to learn more about how we help the healthcare industry, please visit our website at:
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Antioxidant Scanner: 858-899-8880
Dr. Mansi Shah
Functional Wellness Network

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