San Diego, California, USA

Functional Medicine: Why functional, nutritional and regenerative medicine is the future of health.


Functional, nutritional, and regenerative medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on the prevention and treatment of disease through the use of natural therapies. This form of medicine is based on the idea that our body has the power to heal itself, as long as we provide it with the nutrients necessary for it to do so.


Functional, nutritional, and regenerative medicine (FNR) is becoming a popular choice among those seeking alternatives to conventional treatments. According to a study by Grand View Research, Inc. the global functional medicine market is expected to reach $172 billion by 2025.


There are several reasons why functional, nutritional, and regenerative medicine is believed to be the future of healthcare.



First, this form of medicine focuses on preventing disease, rather than just treating it. Instead of waiting for a disease or even a symptom to appear, FNR focuses on keeping us healthy through the use of natural therapies such as nutrition and exercise.


Second, functional, nutritional, and regenerative medicine is also much less expensive than conventional treatments. Data published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), in 2009 the average annual cost for a patient with type 2 diabetes was around $13,000 dollars. On the other hand, a study conducted by the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group found that the average annual cost of staying healthy and avoiding type 2 diabetes was only $550 per person.


The third reason why FNR is considered the future of health is because of its positive effects not only on our physical health, but also on our mental health. Data published by the American Psychological Association (APA), the estimated annual cost to the United States due to anxiety is about $42 billion dollars. Depression costs the country approximately $51 billion annually. Both are serious problems that negatively affect our quality of life.



Fortunately, several studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of exercise on our mental state. According to data published by the NIH, exercise can help improve our mood, reduce stress and improve our sleep. Exercise can also help us combat anxiety and depression. These mental benefits are just a small example of the great potential that FNR has to improve our quality of life.


Preventing disease is much cheaper than treating it once it has occurred. And while we can’t prevent all diseases, we can significantly reduce our chances of getting them if we focus on staying healthy.



Dr. Mansi Shah

Functional Wellness Network



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Naturally Effective Health Solutions

San Diego, California, USA

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